Telecommunication in Nigeria – KPMG

In a world driven by fast growth, the emergence of non-traditional competitors and markets challenges established technology.
Technology, Media, Telecommunication
From startups to Fortune 500 companies, Technology companies worldwide aim to secure their market position through disruptive innovation. As new technologies are adopted around the world, it has become increasingly important for the leaders in this sector to understand the complexity and business transformation impact of rolling out these new products and services
How can we help?

KPMG’s technology professionals understand this changing and challenging environment. We combine industry knowledge with technical experience to provide insights that help technology leaders deal with their complex business models. Our professionals go beyond today's challenges to anticipate the potential long and short-term consequences of shifting business, financial and technology strategies. We also help clients explore potential obstacles to change and collaborate on critical decisions that can deliver real value to their businesses.

The move to digital has had a dramatic impact on the media sector. The explosion of smartphones and tablets means that consumers have never had so many opportunities to access content. Media companies worldwide need to find new ways to adapt and change their business models to attract and engage the next generation of digital consumers in order to survive.

The telecom sector is undergoing a huge transformation. Driven by changing consumer behavior and new mobile technology, innovative and sustainable revenue opportunities need to be found – and quickly. Increasing competition from non-telecoms providers, reduced network investments and the rise of digital media and mobile technology mean that telecoms operators need to radically change their business models and service offerings to survive.