Author: Jed Relativo

Years of staying into the realms of the internet taught me one thing. People now has the means to be militant. The internet gave them all the protection they need... Read More

A lot of people knew it by now. Years of education, TV documentaries and internet will give us what we need. It’s simply common sense and science. Yet I’m pretty... Read More

Sometimes, nothing is permanent in science. Ideas must give way to newer and more accurate discoveries. Most of the time, people are okay with it, though letting go a beloved... Read More

More than a century ago, we thought that heavy aircraft could not fly. Fortunately, we were wrong, and the Wright Brothers took to the air and left the world in... Read More

Recently I started in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and I fell in love with the sports. It’s one of those manly habits I have been trying, together with archery. I’m still... Read More

This hub is inspired by a question sent by a visitor months ago, when I did an article about slender Gundams (the title is “Are Slim Gundams a Good Thing,”... Read More

Fans probably knew about this, but this is for the sake of the newbies who are new to the twisted universe of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Years of following the show,... Read More

In the height of the Cold War, both the Soviet Union and the U.S. did their best to outdo each other. No shots were fired back then, but the sworn... Read More

Military technologies never fail to amaze us. When nations are so desperate to kill each other, they will come up with an assortment of weapons ranging from the functional, to... Read More

We hear a lot of sensationalized hearsay from fringe theorists, and one of their favorites is Ancient Egypt. Their so-called historical facts range from the outrageous, to somewhat insulting. Their... Read More